Author Price Guides
Volume II of the Author Price Guides (APG) includes 51 authors. Each APG contains a facsimile of the author's signature; a brief biographical sketch; a complete up-to-date list of the author's first editions (American & British), with entries for limited & trade editions; number of copies (if available); how to identify the first edition; & estimated values with & without dustwrappers. Authors in Volume II are: Barth, Berger, Cheever, Churchill, Clavell, Crews, Didion, Dos Passos, Eastlake, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Francis, Frost, Goyen, Grey, Grimes, Grumbach, Harrison, Heinlein, Heller, Hurston, Irving, Kennedy, LeCarre, Limited Editions Club, London, Ludlum, Mailer, Malamud, Markson, Marshall, Maxwell, McElroy, McGuanc, McMurtry, Nabokov, O'Connor, Percy, Price, Roth, Evelyn Scott, Thorne Smith, Spackman, Styron, Peter Taylor, Dylan Thomas, Twain, Updike, Vonnegut, Welty & William C. Williams. Essential for librarians, dealers & collectors. Over 200,000 sold. Volume I with Capote, Eliot, Faulkner, Graves, Hammett, Hemingway, King... & 55 other authors, also available by the same publisher. ISBN 1-883060-04-4. Please contact: Quill & Brush, P.O. Box 5365, Rockville, MD 20848. (301) 460-3700, FAX: (301) 871-5425, E-mail: