The World of Islam in Literature for Youth
The World of Islam in Literature for Youth will aid librarians, parents, students, teachers, school media specialists, and other readers who are interested in identifying helpful resources on the topic of Islam and the Muslim culture. Divided into 16 chapters that reflect the different aspects of Islam and the Muslim culture, this annotated bibliography covers more than 700 books, instructional materials, videos, DVDs, audio tapes, and online resources, each with a complete bibliographical description-title, author's name, place of publication, publisher, year, number of pages, and ISBN (both for hard copy and paper, if available)-and recommended grade levels. Digital electronic resources, in addition to the above bibliographic description, also include length of running time, producer, and whether in black & white or color. The authors wrote this book with the goal of making available reliable information about this often-misunderstood religious tradition. Many of the resources emphasized are not typically featured in existing bibliographies, databases, and libraries. Author, title, grade, subject, and illustrator & photographer indexes are included. This valuable reference tool provides educators with a means to easily identify resources for use in promoting the understanding of Islam.