PM Writing
The PM Writing Exemplars for Teaching Writing are large format books designed to help teachers model the conventions of written language in whole-class and small-group sessions. The books provide the initial introduction to each text type, presenting and deconstructing exemplars of the 9 text types taught across the 4 levels.The Exemplars for Teaching Writing form the start of the PM Writing suggested teaching pathways. The material presented in these books is reinforced through use of the Interactive Writing Pro Formas and Student Books. Each of the exemplar texts is presented over three double-page spreads.On the first spread, the text is presented for shared readingOn the second spread, the text structure of the text type is deconstructed using colour-coding. On the third spread, selected language features of the text type are highlighted. Teacher Focus notes appear on each spread, featuring key teaching points and teacher talk related directly to the text structure and language features of the text type. PM Writing 3 Exemplar for Teaching Writing big book also comes with an IWB CD-ROM inside.