Food, Drink, and the Female Sleuth
From the author of books about women police officers and a retired editor who’s now a volunteer cop in small town America, Food, Drink, and the Female Sleuth gathers together the best food scenes in mainstream detective fiction. Over 140 flavorful contributors, over 250 slurpy excerpts, 23 rich chapters with titles like “Undercover Grub and Stakeout Takeout,” “Junk Food on the Run,” “A Dozen Ways to Feed Your Lover,” “Bribing with Food,” and “The Last Bite.” Like us, PIs, cops, and amateur sleuths ARE what they eat. Also they are known by how they eat, where they eat, why they eat, and by who does the cooking. What better way to flesh out a sleuth’s work partner than “Let’s Have A Drink,” or spell out social class with humor in “Upper and Lower Crusts”? What better way to get a plot underway than breakfast? Or stir in suspense and foreshadow events in “Let’s Do Lunch”? This book is for anyone whose shelves are stacked with really good detective novels and really good food. Face it, if you like to eat, put Food, Drink on your table.