31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life
The words we speak have power and can potentially create life or death. But when we make a legal proclamation that comes from God Himself, we are then operating in a power that trumps all other power. When you proclaim God’s Word in faith, it is activated to bring about His will and purpose for your life. According to Isaiah 55:11, it does not return empty but accomplishes everything it is sent to do. God’s Word is the final authority. If He said it, He will make it good! 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life will inspire you with a daily devotion for every day of the month that will turn your attention to the heart of God and His wonderful intentions for your life. Each devotion is followed by ten powerful decrees—faith-filled words of biblical truth for you to be blessed with love, fruitfulness, friends, wisdom, hope, victory, family, glory, endurance, God’s presence, gladness, and more. Finally, there is a daily activation for you in response to each devotion and decree to seal God’s Word in your heart and life. Experience multiplication of blessings for your life and watch transformation take place as you daily give Jesus your focus and decree His Word.