What Are You Living For?
After speaking on teaching and influencing young people at a student gathering in Texas, Pat Williams received an email from a high school coach who had heard his talk. Coach McCall's email stated that every kid who’s growing up is dying to live his life. But as people get older, instead of dying to life, they start living to die. His closing thought is What are you dying for? Unable to escape this question, author and professional sports veteran Pat Williams invites readers to ask, When my days on earth are over, will I discover that I have wasted my life on meaningless things that have no lasting and eternal value? Most people are living for four things fortune, status, power or pleasure. Just as there are four false reasons for living our lives, there are four true, meaningful and satisfying reasons for living, and for dying. These give purpose and value to our lives, so that we can know our lives have eternal significance. If you died tomorrow, what would people say? Jesus’ statement in answer is Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. Starting here, Pat gives a powerful, practical and encouraging plan for how to live a life that truly matters, and to leave a legacy that never dies.