Report on the Proposed Voisey's Bay Mine and Mill Project
Voisey's Bay Nickel Company proposes to mine nickel and some other metals at a site located 35 kilometres south of Nain in northern Labrador. This report presents findings of a federal, provincial, and Inuit/Innu panel that reviewed the environmental, social, and economic impacts of the proposed mine project. The introductory sections discuss the project review process, the overall nature of the project and its effect on sustainable development, the need for the project (with reference to nickel markets), and mine resource stewardship. Subsequent sections cover effects on Native land claims, air quality, management of tailings and other waste, contaminants in the environment, freshwater fish and fish habitat, marine environment and mammals, shipping, terrestrial environment and wildlife, birds, Aboriginal land use and historical resources, employment and business opportunities, family and community life, public services, and environmental management (including reclamation and monitoring). Recommendations made throughout the report are also listed in the final section.