Bloomsbury at Home
Fascination with the Bloomsbury set - Virginia Woolf, Leonard Woolf, Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, Lytton Strachey. Dora Carrington among others, never ceases. Bloomsbury at Home is the story of the friendship between a group of witty, lively, like-minded, highly-talented individuals who came together during the first half of the twentieth century. The book is divided by biography and geography into chapters centering on specific people and places, for example, Garsington, the home of Lady Ottoline Morrell, and Hogarth House in Richmond, home to Viriginia and Leonard Woolf, and of course no book on the Bloomsbury set would be complete without mention of Vanessa Bell's home at Charleston. Illustrated with a wide range of colour and black and white photographs, memorabilia (everything from menus to postcards). portraits and paintings by members of the group. Pamela Todd assembles a detailed account of how and where the Bloomsbury group grew up, interacted and lived together during the first half of the twentieth century producing some of their finest work, as well as evoking the richness of that extraordinary period in English art and literature.