Swift Volume One - Colour Edition (Swift budget black and white edition available here: https: //www.amazon.co.uk/Swift-One-1-Leanne-Warren/dp/B08KQY7VLZ )Swift Volume One is the inaugural edition of a new arts and politics publication aimed at speaking out against the rise of fascism in the UK and our populist government. Founder Leanne Warren has worked with a collaborative of artists, photographers, bloggers, writers, poets and academics (The Swift Collaborative) to create this bi-annual publication. Featured contributors include anti-fascist historian Dr Louise Raw, historian of empire Paddy Docherty and composer Dr Richard Norris. Swift Volume One touches on the dangers of a no-deal Brexit, the links between fascism and misogyny, parallels between Brexit and fascism, government corruption, experiences of racism, BLM protests, mental health, living in lockdown with Covid-19, beautiful poetry art, and photography, as well as inspiring activists who we hope might inspire to use your voice to speak out against what is happening in the UK. This protest publication is available in a full colour or a budget black and white version and will also be available as an ebook.List of contents & contributors: Foreword by Paddy Docherty Dr Louise Raw: No Pasaran! Why a Woman's Place is in Anti-fascism Death by Brexit - Wendy Nowak Corruption in Plain Sight - Nigel Davies Poetry by Mandoline Wordsmith Solidarity! A story about Scotland, Solidarity against dictatorship, and the connection between fascism and Brexit - by Paddy Docherty Poetry by A Yorkshire Poet Two World Wars and One World Cup by Jim Pool Led by Donkeys & Hassan Akkad - A Message from the white cliffs of Dover Lauren Caldwell - "È un casino." A Covid 19 Timeline from Led by Donkeys From the Heart of Lockdown by Mrs Aitchbee Triggered - Diary of a Madman - by Martin, again Poetry by Laura-Ding Edwards Climate Change - A world in Crisis by Nigel Davies MENTAL HEALTH: Therapist Mita Mistry - Finding Happiness and Hope Amid Uncertainty Austerity's Victims by Neil Carpenter The grim outlook for music education - Dr Richard Norris No to Brexit Chaos - Magdalena Williams I have abolished the honours system and I suggest that you do too - Paddy Docherty Through the Lens by Simone Rudolphi Making Sense of It All by Nigel Davies 'Experiences of racism' - from the Dad of Joel Baccas London Black Lives Matter Protests by Alice Mason 3.5% - Making Your Voice Heard by Jan Altendorff Autonomous Civil Disobedience by Kirsty Neil Taking a Small Stand: 3.5% by Chris 'Doc Strange' Taylor Meet 'EU Supergirl' Madeleina Kay SODEM at Chequers by Chris 'Doc Strange' Taylor Work Together or Fail - Jon Johnson Book Club - reviews & recommendations by Simon Ferrigno & Simone Rudolphi Artwork by Ceris Jones, Rachael House, Pauline Plug, Lauren Caldwell, Madeleina Kay, Mrs Aitchbee, Fiona Mary, and Leanne Warren