Education For Peace: Utopia Or Reality
The book deals with the subject of great relevance in the present scenario, not only in Indian context but in global perspective also. It provides a complete text not only to those students concerning Peace Studies, Education for Peace and Peace: Education but to all those who are interested in Peace Concerns. It has been written in a very lucid and attractive way and presents a systematic account in seven chapters about: * How is Peace a lost paradise amidst the material development of human civilization, * What is Peace (individual, social and global). What are the approaches to peace, * What is the historical development of Education for Peace, * How is teacher a role-model in translating Education for Peace in the reality of class-room and lastly, * Is Education for Peace a Utopia or this may turn to be reality. About The Author: - Pratibha Upadhyay is Professor in the Department of Education, University of Allahabad, Allahabad. In the past, she has served Ewing Christian College Allahabad as lecturer and senior lecturer (1993-2000). She has a brilliant career through out her academic life. She has done her B.Sc. (1971) from Jabalpur University, Jabalpur, M.Sc. (1973) from B.H.U. Varanasi, M.Ed. (1982) and D.Phill. from university of Allahabad. She is gold medalist, JRF and SRF recipient and has been, Pool Officer (CSIR) in the Department of Education, University of Allahabad. Pratibha Upadhyay has written and edited books and Journals on varieties of topics concerning education and social sciences. She is member of national and international societies. She is Vice-President of Innovative Research Association (Allahabad) and is a member of Advisory Board of PRATHAM, U.P. (Internationally reputed NGO). She has participated and presented research papers in the national and international conferences. (Isreal, Bangkik etc). She has great iterest in social work and is involved in writing on peace. Pratibha Upadhyay is blessed with noble family of immenent academics.