International Marketing
With the onset of globalisation, International Marketing has become an important subject among students pursuing MBA in International Marketing and International Trade as also among professionals who study and undertake research projects in the areas such as Foreign Direct Investment, Free Trade Area , World Trade Organisation, UNCTAD and the like. The third edition focuses on global economy and its transmission to India. The global economic condition is perhaps at its best since the World War-II, mainly because of the upward trend in international relations, and aggressive bilateral, multi-lateral as well as regional treaties concerning trade and economy among various countries throughout the globe. An updated table of contents reflects the latest research findings and practices up to the year 2005. The latest edition offers new chapters on Competitive Analysis, Competitive Strategies, Technical Environment, Globalisation, International Retail Management and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) covering right up to Hong Kong Ministerial 2005. Additionally, some assorted current topics such as Performance of Foreign Trade Policy 2004-09, Export Taxes, Composition of Trade, Direction of Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, External Commercial Borrowings, Non-residential Deposits and Exchange Rate Movements have been given due place in the book. Each chapter concludes with a summary, a list of questions and case studies for ready reference. The bibliography is exhaustive including Internet references for further studies. A must read book for MBA, International Marketing and International Trade students and researchers.