Tropical Tasar Culture in India
Sericulture has attracted special attention of India since Independence due to rising internal demand and its export potential. Sericulture is the combination of people, machine, instruments, equipments, raw materials, proper methods and environment. Over the decades, the production of silk in India has increased horizontally, but its vertical growth remained retarded. Against the increased demand for quality silk in the international market, scope for production of export quality silk in India is enormous. The book emphasis on the techniques required for the better quality and quantity production of tasar cocoons through systematic and natural process instead of adopting pure scientific equipments on manipulating the natural system of operation. The book is replete with useful references and illustrations and an exhaustive index, holds an enduring appeal for the concerned scholars and students as well as professionals. Contents Chapter 1: Introduction; Importance of the study, History of sericulture, Silk road, Sericulture in other countries, Sericulture in india through ages; Chapter 2: Silk Scenario; Status of sericulture, Significance of tasar culture, Tasar silk-moths; Chapter 3: Biology of Tasar Silk-Moth; Stages in life cycle, Rearing, Pathology, Seed technology; Chapter 4: Ecology; Geography and topography of tasar producing areas in orissa, Climatological parameters, Host plant, arboriculture and topography, Conservation of tasar biodiversity and sustainable development.