Eucharistic Doctors
Spanning two millennia, with particular attention to the post-Reformation period, and including key thinkers, both Catholic and non-Catholic, Eucharistic Doctors argues that the Eucharist "makes" the Church. The thirty "Eucharistic doctors" included in this volume are not doctors in the formal sense of the term, but in the broad Christian tradition of eucharistic thought. Ranging from the patristic age to contemporary time, and embracing both the Eastern and Western Churches, they include Ignatius of Antioch, Hippolytus, Ambrose, John Chrysostom, Augustine, Maximus the Confessor, Thomas Aquinas, Wyclif, Luther, Calvin, Thomas Cranmer, George Herbert, Bellarmine, Jeremy Taylor, Schleiermacher, Newman, and many more. Although they represent different geographical locations, time periods, languages, and traditions, they all have this in common: a recognition of the Eucharist as central to the Christian faith. Book jacket.