Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, No.3, Vol.1, 2019
Urban Planning as an Extension of War Planning The Case of Shenyang, China, 1898-1966 HUAQING WANG, Dr., GALEN NEWMAN, Dr., ZHIFANG WANG, Dr. 1-12 PDF HTML Evaluating Staff Perceptions of Supportive Healing Environment in Healthcare Facilities PATRICK CHUKWUEMEKE UWAJEH, Dr., IKENNA STEPHEN EZENNIA, Ph.D. candidate 13-25 PDF HTML From Zoning Based Area To A Hybrid Space; The Transformation Strategies FARHAN ABDULLAH ALI, Dr. 26-37 PDF HTML The Role Of Urban Density And Morphology In The Air Pollution Of Tehran Metropolitan ROUHOLLAH OSHRIEH, Ph.D. candidate, EHSAN VALIPOUR, Dr. 38-43 PDF HTML Urban Sprawl Negative Impact: Enkomi Return Phase KAMYAR FULADLU, Dr. 44-51 PDF HTML Economic Diversification and the Urban Image; Changing the Narrative on Street Vending MUHAMMAD K BALARABE, Ph.D. Candidate, ABDULSALAM SHEMA IBRAHIM, Ph.D. Candidate, MARYAM AHMAD, M.Sc. 52-61 PDF HTML Environmental Regulations and Rules: United Nations Perspective and the Nigeria Experience FASHUYI OLUGBENGA, Dr. 62-66 PDF HTML Evaluation of the Sustainable Aspects In Housing Sector To Overcome Housing Stress In Northern Iraq RAHEL MOHAMMED AMIN, M.Sc., SALAR SALAH MUHY AL-DIN, Dr. 67-81 PDF HTML Access to Land Influencing the Urban Development of Egypt MOHAMED RASLAN, Dr., HANY AYYAD, Dr. 82-91 PDF HTML Learning from Resilience: Cities towards a Self-Organizing System CEMALIYE EKEN, Ph.D. candidate 92-103 PDF HTML Impact of A Community Place in Regards to Sustainable Design towards Decreasing Social Crime Nadereh Afzhool, M.A. 104-108 PDF HTML Effects of Architectural and Urban Design Project Competitions on Built Environment and New Discourses Brought Thereby OSMAN UMIT Sirel, M.Sc., AYSE SIREL, Dr., BURAK TURSOY, M.Sc. 109-120 PDF HTML Cultural landscape devastation as a consequence of poor Sustainable Urban Development practice Case study: Kostanjica, Boka Bay, Montenegro KOSARA KUJUNDZIC, Ph.D. Candidate, SLAVICA STAMATOVIC VUCKOVIC, Dr. 121-131 PDF HTML Urban Rights and Sustainability in Latin-America: First Steps towards Urban Justice Operationalization Javier Alonso Gómez Dávila, Dr. 132-142 PDF HTML Evaluating Gender Based Behavior in Historical Urban Public Place Case study: Grand Bazaar, Kerman, Iran Ph. D Candidate. Aida Jalalkamali , MA. Elham Anjomshoa 143-153 PDF HTML Establishment of Space syntax to read and analyze urban network; the case of study, Famagusta city of Cyprus EHSAN VALIPOUR, Dr., ABDOLLAH MOBARAKI, Ph.D. candidate, MOJDEH NIKOOFAM, Ph.D. candidate, SAMIRA TAYYEBISOUDKOLAEI, BSc 154-160 PDF HTML Concomitant Recital of a Prolonged Reign: Dilation of the Dutch Empire and Enticement of Ascendency, Delineating Batavia, Victim and Valedictorian SIEPAN KHALIL, B.A., PAKINAM ZEID, B.A. 161-174 PDF HTML Visual pollution phenomena and sensitivity of residences in heritage city centers Case of: Old district of Manama city, Kingdom of Bahrain ISLAM H. EL-GHONAIMY, Dr. 175-190 PDF HTML The Effects of Built Environment Landscaping on Site Security: Reviews on Selected Shopping Centers in Istanbul Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 191-201 PDF HTML