The Prophet's Scribe
This is a tale of two men who long ago shook the world so much that the cataclysmic tremor they initiated still shudders each and every society of our Earth today. One you know well, Mohammed, the founder of Islam. The other, and the central character of this book, is unlikely to ever have been heard of. His name is Sergius, the Nestorian Christian monk who helped shape and mould the Muslim faith in the deserts of Arabia. Legend has it that the unconventional Sergius, lover of woman and champion of the people helped shaped the life of the only man that has ever founded a religion and a state, the Prophet Mohammed. The time of the explosive relationship between Sergius and Mohammed? Late sixth, early seventh century. The setting? Two settings in fact. The Roman province of Bithynia on the eastern side of Constantinople across the Bosphorus. However, the principal setting of this tale is the deserts of Arabia, where, from the city of Medina, Arab slaughtered Arab for the heart and soul of the holy city of Mecca. That conflict continues today right across the world. Pick up this book, turn the page over and open the curtain to theatre of love, between man and woman, of love between man and God, of fantasy and passion, where powerful wills moulded a movement that today so many fear and yet in reality no nothing about it; that of Islam.