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Fighting the tide
Fighting the tide
This text forms part of a long-term project undertaken by Dejusticia as part of its international work. The project revolves around the Global Action-Research Workshop for Young Human Rights Advocates that Dejusticia organizes each year to foster connections among and train a new generation of action researchers. The workshop helps participants develop action-research tools, understood as the combination of rigorous research and practical experience in social justice causes. For ten days, Dejusticia brings approximately fifteen participants and ten expert instructors to Colombia for a series of practical and interactive sessions on research, narrative writing, multimedia communication, and strategic reflection on the future of human rights. The aim is to strengthen participants’ capacity to produce hybrid-style texts that are at once rigorous and appealing to wide audiences. Participants are selected on the basis of an article proposal, which is then discussed during the workshop and subsequently developed with the help of an expert mentor (one of the instructors) over ten months until a publishable version is achieved, such as the chapters that make up this volume. The workshop also offers participants the opportunity to take advantage of new technologies and translate the results of their research and activism into diverse formats—from blogs, videos, and multimedia to social network communications and academic articles. Therefore, in addition to the annual volume comprising participants’ texts and instructors’ reflections, the workshop produces a blog in Spanish and English that features weekly entries by workshop alumni, written in the style described above. The title of the blog—Amphibious Accounts: Human Rights Stories from the Global South—owes itself to the fact that action research is “amphibious” in that its practitioners move seamlessly between different environments and worlds, from academic and political circles to local communities to media outlets to state entities. For those who are dedicated to the promotion of human rights, this often implies navigating these worlds in the global North and South alike. Each year, the workshop is centered on a particular current issue. In 2014, the topic was the intersections between human rights and environmental justice that I outlined at the beginning of this introduction. In addition to providing coherence to the book and the group of participants, the selected topic determines the workshop site in Colombia—for the sessions are held not in a classroom or convention center but in the middle of the field, in the very communities and places that are witnessing the issue firsthand.
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Reimagining the Future of Human Rights
Reimagining the Future of Human Rights
This book is the collective effort of participants from Dejusticia’s annual Global Action-Research Workshop for Young Human Rights Advocates. The talented writers featured here are graduates from previous workshops who came together again in 2018 to explore the intersection between research and activism and what it holds for the future of human rights. The authors in this book question traditional methods and explore new ways and visions of advancing human rights in the troubled context in which we live today. Do the struggles of small-scale miners in Ghana, the use of strategic litigation in Lebanon, and the recognition of the rights of nature in India represent evidence for hope? Or is the opposite true, and, as shown in the chapters on martial law in the Philippines, the treatment of wastewater in Argentina, and in the internal conflict in Yemen, human rights have failed to deliver on their promises? Whatever the answer, Reimagining the Future of Human Rights invites us to reflect on the work of human rights in different contexts and the challenges that activists face, but also the progress they have made. The chapters in this book offer a snapshot of the current state of human rights that can help guide our work as activists and researchers.
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Success in Artificial Insemination
Success in Artificial Insemination
Artificial insemination has long been the primary tool towards genetic improvement in many domestic animals. Knowledge based decision are increasingly becoming important in this industry. Scientific publications are having greater role in the contribution of research outputs towards an efficient utilization reproductive phenomenon. This book on improving the success of AI through improving the quality of semen and related diagnostics is just one for interested readers.
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Hip-Hop/Rap nasce nos estados unidos na década de 1970. Uma década depois em 1980 chega ao Brasil,e se torna cada dia maior
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Parasitic Diseases
Reports on schistosomiasis epidemiology and clinical features in Africa and Brazil, and development of novel drugs that affect the worm tegument, and vaccine based on excretory-secretory products and Type 2 cytokines.
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International Law
International Law
This book deals with some of the most important issues of the twenty-first century regarding to International Law from the perspective of academic experts from Brazil. The reader is invited to travel through book, which are the New Global Events that defy international law today. Researchers of all levels, including Law and International Relations graduates; experimented researchers in the level of Post-graduate Professors, most of them at Catholic University of Brasilia and course coordinators and Professors of public and private universities participated in the creation of this book
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Partial Discharges in Hydroelectric Generators
Partial Discharges in Hydroelectric Generators
Effective implementation of predictive maintenance programs in power plants requires the online condition monitoring of electrical generators. This book offers a comprehensive guide on the measurement, detection, and interpretation of partial discharges in hydroelectric generators. It covers a range of essential topics such as the physics of partial discharge phenomenon, various types of defects and partial discharge patterns, sensors and acquisition procedures, signal processing techniques, automatic classification of discharge types, and correlation between partial discharge occurrence and ozone generation. Numerical modelling of partial discharges and calculation of the associated radiating electromagnetic fields are also discussed. To aid understanding, the book provides theoretical explanations, practical examples, and functional Python code on Google’s Colaboratory platform. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking a deep understanding of partial discharges in hydroelectric generators. Presents in-depth theory with examples; Provides experimental data illustrating effects of PD in machine components; Includes functional Python and C code examples.
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A improvável — e verídica — história do pai, do filho e do restaurante Mocotó apresentada num livro envolvente e revelador O Mocotó apresenta uma cozinha nordestina sertaneja clássica, passada de pai para filho. Tradição aliada à inovação é a marca da parceria entre seu Zé Almeida, o pai, e Rodrigo Oliveira, o filho, hoje um dos chefs brasileiros mais premiados, participante do Iron Chef Brasil na Netflix, novo jurado do MasterChef Brasil e reconhecido internacionalmente pela sua culinária generosa. Num texto poético e envolvente, entremeado com belíssimas fotos pessoais, o leitor conhecerá essa história de sucesso, desde o início, na década de 1970, com a luta de seu Zé para crescer e se firmar num bairro simples da capital paulista, até o filho resolver abraçar o negócio da família, profissionalizando-o. Mas Rodrigo sempre esteve atento ao olhar do pai, sendo esse o segredo para transformar o restaurante em um dos mais conceituados do Brasil. O chef Rodrigo Oliveira apresenta, ainda, 111 receitas clássicas que fazem o sucesso do restaurante. O livro traz lindas fotos dos pratos, fotografados no próprio Mocotó. Conheça os bastidores — e as pessoas — de um dos restaurantes mais celebrados do mundo, que fez do sertão contemporâneo um ícone da nova cozinha brasileira, e de seu chef, um dos mais influentes da atualidade.
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Performance of Tax-benefit Systems Amid COVID-19 Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa
We examine the distributional effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated tax-benefit measures in seven sub-Saharan African countries, focusing on the onset of the crisis. We evaluate impacts on disposable incomes, considering variations across income groups; assess the effectiveness of tax-benefit policies in mitigating income losses; and analyse the influence of these measures on income-based poverty and inequality. We find notable reductions in disposable incomes, concentrated among higher-income households, and moderate increases in headcount poverty rates and poverty gaps. The study highlights the low effectiveness of pre-existing tax-benefit policies, with coverage gaps for the informal sector and a lack of income-dependent means-tested benefits. Discretionary taxbenefit policies in Mozambique and Zambia cushioned the shock for low-income households to a small extent. Conversely, school closures in Ethiopia and Ghana suppressed the provision of school meals, adding strain to households with school-age children.
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A batalha dos mortos
A batalha dos mortos
Ano 2018. À passagem de um planeta próximo da órbita da Terra, o que era para ser um dia de festa... Pessoas do mundo inteiro prepararam-se para um espetáculo astronômico mas o evento se transforma num pesadelo. Um dia após à maior aproximação do planeta, um imenso calor sobrevêm e 2/3 de todas as pessoas do mundo transformam-se em zumbis. Em São José dos Campos, um grupo cria um centro de refugiados para milhares de pessoas... eles reuniram condições de sobrevivência com água, alimentos e criaram uma grande fortaleza. Agora dedicam-se a encontrar outros focos de resistência e ajudar peregrinos do grande apocalipse. Eles não sabem, mas essa pode ser a maior comunidade de vivos na face da terra. No entanto, próximo a eles, uma outra resistência - perversa e potente -, também cresce. Um grande Comando do Exército é tomado por criminosos do presidio de segurança máxima de Taubaté. Eles resistiram aos zumbis, escravizaram outros humanos e, fortemente armados, se tornam uma ameaça letal à comunidade vizinha. Uma batalha está para acontecer. Um cerco para salvar vidas. E em meio a isso, inúmeras histórias de pessoas vivendo em situações-limite, muito além da sua imaginação.
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