Southern Fried Autopsies
Southern Fried Autopsies: An Anthology An anthology to help feed the hungry. Southern Fried. Not necessarily an odd term if you live in the south or have visited the southern states of the US. In the south, we have monster trucks, lots of fishing, hunting, beaches, humidity, peaches, and a whole slew of stories that happened during the time of Northern Aggression. But what was Southern Fried? What does that really mean? It was once referred to as something, typically some kind of dead animal, that was battered, crispy, deep-fried in oil, and while tasted incredible, was artery clogging and blood pressure rising food. Not anymore. Now Southern Fried has been attached to a set of autopsies and those files were placed in this incredible collection. Short stories that will test your knowledge of the southern way of thinking, the southern charm, the hospitality, and the tales all by authors that have ties to the area, or still live here. Southern Fried Autopsies is sure to raise your levels to unsafe highs as you dive right in with both feet to the deep end. Y'all come right on over, ya hear? With contributions, stories, and poetry from P Mattern, Mark Slade, David O'Hanlon, Kerry Alan Denney, DS Roland, P. Mattern, Rollin Jewett, L Bachman, SL Kerns, Edd Sowder, Patricia Stover, TJ Weeks, Thomas Vaughn, Cindy Johnson, DC Phillips, Kris Weeks, Olin Wish, John L Davis IV, Donna Owens, Veronica Smith, Mirren Hogan, David Johnson, and James Master.