Conceptual solutions for the manufacture of cargo wagon bearing systems from composites (Part 2)
The monograph is the second part of the corresponding series of books. And it will be useful for scientists, designers, engineers whose activities are related to improving the technical, economic and operational indicators of non-traction rolling stock at various stages of its life cycle. In particular, the issue of the possibility and expediency of introducing various types of structural hierarchy of composite components in the construction of wagons. What can happen when creating new models of them or modernizing existing ones. To date, the traditional approach to creating a structure of freight wagons from steel has almost completely exhausted the potential for improving their technical, economic and operational indicators. At the same time, the experience of the development of composite materials and technologies for their creation in other branches of light and heavy engineering and instrument building indicates the prospect of deploying relevant research and development works on the use of such materials in railcar construction. The purpose of the monograph is to highlight the results obtained from the creation of conceptual solutions for the manufacture of component load-carrying systems of freight cars from composites. The book also presents the results of works of a theoretical and practical nature. In particular, it is given. Model of deformation of space-reinforced fibrous materials. Analysis of the temperature effect on the stress-strain state of the tank wagon composite boiler during steaming. Separate issues of creating conceptual solutions for the manufacture of component freight wagons from composites. Analysis of the strength of the composite module of the body of a coal wagon. The book can be used as a study guide for the preparation of bachelors, masters, doctors of philosophy and doctors of sciences in various specialties of transport mechanics. Including from specialties: railway transport, transport technologies, mechanical engineering, materials science and others.