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The Theory of War and Peace
The Theory of War and Peace
This book explores the ontology of war and peace. Using the results of empirical and theoretical research in the field of geophilosophy, as well as neuroscience, psychology, social philosophy and military history, it defines axiomatics of the theory of war and peace; formulates its consequences; tests the theory on the geophilosophy of Europe; and offers a new theoretical basis for the definition of the European Security Strategy. The text proves that war and peace are ways to achieve a regulatory compromise between manifestations of the active principle, which was initially laid in the foundation of the human mentality, and the influence of the external environment through natural selection.
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Discursive Thinking Through of Education
Discursive Thinking Through of Education
This book is a contribution to the philosophical discourse on education. Education is considered a tool of philosophy. Education (paideia) and politics (politeia) are equal in importance for building a sustainable society free from feud and unhappiness. Discursive thinking through of education is based on Plato’s dialogues and the results of epistemological, metaphysical and ethical research in the fields of cosmology, sociology and neuroscience. The author demonstrates the potential of the threefold scheme of philosophy, a Platone philosophandi ratio triplex, for ordering individual and collective discourse and way of life in strict accordance with the intelligible complexity of the expanding cosmos. An essential read for students and scholars interested in the crossroad between education and philosophy.
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Corruption in Ukraine
Corruption in Ukraine
Using the methodology of geophilosophy, this book expands the understanding of Ukraine as a limitrophe state, as a frontier between two world cultures, the East and the West. It explains the relationship between the totally corrupt Ukrainian political system and the geographic location of the country. Drawing from open source information, the book constructs psychological portraits of five presidents of Ukraine and various members of their inner-circle in order to show their role in the formation and consolidation of the corrupt mentality of Ukrainian authority. As shown here, such mentalities of Ukrainian rulers, and their Soviet nomenklatura past, have, to a large extent, determined the course of history for the entire country. The book will appeal to a wide range of readers interested in the issues of geopolitics, geophilosophy, and national identity.
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The Theory of Evolution
The Theory of Evolution
This book presents a historical-philosophical analysis of the concept of ‘evolution’, considering the degree of development of the theories of evolution in cosmology, biology, neurobiology, and philosophy. ‘Evolution’ is defined here as the continuous and nonlinear complication of the structure of matter and types of interaction and environments. The book analyses existing approaches to the research of this concept in modern science and philosophy, looking at the ways in which its factors and causes have previously been explored. Unifying such interdisciplinary approaches to evolution in cosmology, biology, neurobiology, and philosophy, the book then discusses its own model, ‘Evolving Matter’, which considers not only the regularity of transition of a space vacuum in neural ensembles, but also the universe as a complex, non-uniform organisation. In addition, the book contains systematised interdisciplinary information on the theory of evolution.
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Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts 2015
Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts 2015
This book brings together essays based on papers presented at the 6th International Conference on Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts (CTLA), held from June 10 to 12, 2015, at St Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, New York. The conference was attended by seventy delegates from twenty countries across the world – the twenty-three essays collected here come from delegates from twelve of those countries. The range of contributions reflects the variety of material presented and discussed at the conference, across the fields of philosophy, literature, fine arts, music, dance, performance and theatre. The book, the sixth in the series, will appeal to the growing international community of researchers active and interested in the study of literature, theatre and the arts from a consciousness studies perspective.
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