Wars, hate, bloodshed, and savage events started in Iraq and the Middle East more than 1,400 years ago, long before the discovery of America and the establishing of the United States of America. The hate culture had been the real problem in the Middle East for hundreds of years. Certainly it is not the USA, even in the case of the Arab-Israel conflict in modern history. It is well-known that the various American administrations tried to find a peaceful end to this conflict. Unfortunately,the Arab leaders always give the public an impression that they are very close to defeating Israel, and they put the blame for not doing it on the USA. The Arab leaders and the media ignore that the Israelis have had nuclear weapons since the '60s. Only a naïve person would think that the Israeli people will follow the steps of the crusaders by boarding ships and leaving the Middle East. The Israelis will not keep their nuclear weapons in boxes and leave, asking the Arab leaders to dust them occasionally. They will use them to defend their existence, and a new map for the Middle East will emerge. The Arab government officials still cannot see that Iran-Syria and its associates in Iraq and Lebanon are the enemy and the real threat to them and the whole world. The Iranians used thousands of twelve-year-old Iranian Muslim children to walk through the mine fields to clear the way for the regular Iranian military forces during the Iran-Iraq war. Also, they used chemical weapons, political assassinations, and international terrorism. The hate culture directed toward Israel along with the corruption, oppression, and all other aspects of the hate culture cloud the judgment of the Arab officials and the public.