Law school students book* Law Topics: Defamation - authored by Ogidi Law books and - A - Z of the law of defamation explained. Look Inside!
Law School Students book* Defamation Law For Law Students - Ogidi Law books, CaliforniaBarHelp Website (Authored by) A to Z of defamation law by a bar examination expert! LOOK INSIDE!!!
Give this book a five star review. This book is for your direct Exam prep. Law School Outline: Defamation - Ogidi Law books, CaliforniaBarHelp Website (Authored by) - A to Z of Defamation Law For The Smarter Law School Student Law School Exams
Law school students book* Slander, Slander Per Se and Libel For Law Students - Ogidi Law books, (Authors) a to z of defamation law for law school students Look Inside!!
Paper back law book Model law school writing - by a model law school writer Author of 6 published model bar exam essays February 2012 Covers Criminal law, Torts Look inside!