Effect on Variation in Diameter and Pitch of Rivets on Compressive Strength of Panels with Z-section Stiffeners
Summary: An experimental investigation is being conducted to determine the effect of varying the rivet diameter and pitch on the compressive strength of 24S-T aluminum-alloy panels with longitudinal Z-section stiffeners. The panels were selected on the basis of available design charts, and the panel proportions were limited to the region of these charts in which the panels have the closest stiffener spacings and the smallest values of width-to-thickness ratio for the webs of the stiffeners and have such length that failure is by local buckling. The results showed that for these panels the compressive strengths increased appreciably with either an increase in the diameter of the rivets or a decrease in the pitch of the rivets. Data are also presented from which the rivet diameter and pitch required to develop a given stress in the panels may be determined.