Norma - My Story
I am not attached to any religion or belief (unless you consider music a religion.) I am a musician and have been for 80 years. I was living what you could call a normal life as a musician - teaching lessons, having my own dance band and being an organist for different churches. I did anything concerning music that came up to earn money to make a living until I was 50 years old. Then things changed in a hurry. On my fiftieth birthday when I got up that morning I decided to celebrate by giving myself the day to do anything I wanted - something that I had always wanted to try and had never allowed myself time. I decided to try to write music. It seems unbelievable that I had been playing piano since the age of four and had never tried to write music of my own. It just never entered my head that I would be able to do this. I didn't believe I was intelligent enough. It seems I never did anything at the time that others did it as far as society was concerned. I entered first grade at the age of four and graduated from high school at the age of sixteen. Ten years later I entered college. I did manage to get married at about the same time as most other girls of my generation did, at the age of nineteen, but it was 20 years later when I was thirty-nine when my first and only child, a son Neil, was born. Now here I was at the age of fifty beginning to write music. But I'm getting ahead of my story. After I was married I kept wondering when my life was really going to start. I was interested in psychic phenomena, but scared of it at the same time. My younger sister and I used to experiment with ESP. We would set up a situation, such as I would sit and look at a Christmas catalog and my sister would concentrate on me and then call me and tell me what she saw. She saw me addressing Christmas cards. We were right so many times that we began to feel that we were invading the other one's privacy and eventually quit.Many different incidents started happening after this and then I had an out-of-body experience. This incident started me searching for an answer as to what had happened to me. I eventually dropped my searching, mostly because of the fact that about this time I discovered I was pregnant. What a shock that was after twenty years of being married.When I began composing, the music and lyrics would flow into my head in complete form. A year later I began to receive information from a spiritual source that flowed in the same way as the music. This material is the Chrysalis Teachings and is based on the Science of Music, which is the fundamental vibrational order and creative nature of the universe.Besides publishing the teachings as books, I am now doing the material as videos - approximately 15 minutes in length. I have 45 of them done and would like to make a full length feature documentary or a web series. My first video was entered into Direct Monthly Online Film Festival and won 1st place as best web series in the Jan. 2016 contest. I have my own publishing company, Chrysalis Publications. My books and music are on