Squid and the Whale The
Exclusive to this Newmarket Shooting Script® book are the film's award-winning screenplay by writer/director Noah Baumbach, a touching introduction by Wes Anderson, a fascinating Q&A covering Baumbach's career, plus illuminating scene notes describing certain choices that were made to craft the final film, a special color photo section, and the complete cast and crew credits. Set in Brooklyn in 1986, The Squid and the Whale captures with extraordinary immediacy the inner workings of the Berkman family. Bernard (Jeff Daniels), a once successful novelist, and his wife Joan (Laura Linney), an up-and-coming writer, have given up on their marriage.Their two sons Walt (Jesse Eisenberg), 16, and Frank (Owen Kline), 12, are left to grapple with their confusing and conflicted feelings.The experience is a tender, funny, and ultimately moving coming-of-age for Walt and a tortuously premature one for Frank.The emotional tensions and strains that emerge during this difficult period for the Berkmans are given a remarkably subtle and nuanced portrayal.