Not So Innocent: Feminized by the Seemingly Sweet New Girl
Ryan feels bad for Iris, the new girl in class. She seems so innocent and she’s taking so much abuse from the other students, just because she used to go to the expensive private school across the street. It doesn’t help that she’s still wearing her old school uniform, and it definitely doesn’t help that she used to hang out with the kids that made fun of the public schools kids who are now her classmates. After a long week of listening to his classmates calling Iris mean names, Ryan decides to confront her after school, to help her feel better. The two quickly form a bond and Iris spills her guts, telling Ryan about her divorcing parents and her status-obsessed mother. Apparently, her mother even makes her wear the old private school uniform out of the house so the neighbours won’t find out that she’s actually now going to a public school. Now, Iris thinks Ryan can help her out. She wants clothes—regular girl clothes—so she sends Ryan to the mall with all of her allowance. “Buy me some outfits and hide them in your locker,” she says. Ryan reluctantly agrees to the task, but he has no idea that it’s just the beginning of his own radical feminization. This book contains: feminization, sissification, mtf, m2f, transformation, transgender, trans, girly boy, effeminate, genderswap, gender swap, sissy, sissies, t-girl, transition, steamy erotica, crossdressing, crossdresser, transsexual, emasculation.