Grammar Choices for Graduate and Professional Writers, Second Edition
Grammar Choices is a different kind of grammar book: It is written for graduate students, including MBA, master’s, and doctoral candidates, as well as postdoctoral researchers and faculty. Additionally, it describes the language of advanced academic writing with more than 300 real examples from successful graduate students and from published texts, including corpora. Each of the eight units in Grammar Choices contains: an overview of the grammar topic; a preview test that allows students to assess their control of the target grammar and teachers to diagnose areas of difficulty; an authentic example of graduate-student writing showing the unit grammar in use; clear descriptions of essential grammar structures using the framework of functional grammar, cutting-edge research in applied linguistics, and corpus studies; vocabulary relevant to the grammar point is introduced—for example, common verbs in the passive voice, summary nouns used with this/these, and irregular plural nouns; authentic examples for every grammar point from corpora and published texts; exercises for every grammar point that help writers develop grammatical awareness and use, including completing sentences, writing, revising, paraphrasing, and editing; and a section inviting writers to investigate discipline-specific language use and apply it to an academic genre. Among the changes in the Second Edition are: new sections on parallel form (Unit 2) and possessives (Unit 5) revised and expanded explanations, but particularly regarding verb complementation, complement noun clauses, passive voice, and stance/engagement a restructured Unit 2 and significantly revised/updated Unit 7 new Grammar Awareness tasks in Units 3, 5, and 6 new exercises plus revision/updating of many others self-editing checklists in the Grammar in Your Discipline sections at the end of each unit representation of additional academic disciplines (e.g., engineering, management) in example sentences and texts and in exercises.