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Negotiating Adolescence in Rural Bangladesh
Negotiating Adolescence in Rural Bangladesh
Study conducted in Tarapur village, Bangladesh.
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Adolescent Girls' Migration in The Global South
Adolescent Girls' Migration in The Global South
This book provides a nuanced, complex, comparative analysis of adolescent girls’ migration and mobility in the Global South. The stories and the narratives of migrant girls collected in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Sudan guide the readers in drawing the contours of their lives on the move, a complex, fluid scenario of choices, constraints, setbacks, risks, aspirations and experiences in which internal or international migration plays a pivotal role. The main argument of the book is that migration of adolescent girls intersects with other important transitions in their lives, such as those related to education, work, marriage and childbearing, and that this affects their transition into adulthood in various ways. While migration is sometimes negative, it can also offer girls new and better opportunities with positive implications for their future lives. The book explores also how concepts of adolescence and adulthood for girls are being transformed in the context of migration.
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Adolescent Girls' Migration in The Global South
Adolescent Girls' Migration in The Global South
This book provides a nuanced, complex, comparative analysis of adolescent girls’ migration and mobility in the Global South. The stories and the narratives of migrant girls collected in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Sudan guide the readers in drawing the contours of their lives on the move, a complex, fluid scenario of choices, constraints, setbacks, risks, aspirations and experiences in which internal or international migration plays a pivotal role. The main argument of the book is that migration of adolescent girls intersects with other important transitions in their lives, such as those related to education, work, marriage and childbearing, and that this affects their transition into adulthood in various ways. While migration is sometimes negative, it can also offer girls new and better opportunities with positive implications for their future lives. The book explores also how concepts of adolescence and adulthood for girls are being transformed in the context of migration.
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Ciudades y corona. Fiscalidad, representación y gobierno en la Monarquía Hispánica en la Edad Moderna
Ciudades y corona. Fiscalidad, representación y gobierno en la Monarquía Hispánica en la Edad Moderna
En la renovación de la historiografía modernista han alcanzado una importancia central los estudios sobre la ciudad, la representación política, la fiscalidad y el gobierno de la monarquía. Los avances experimentados en estas líneas de investigación en los últimos cuarenta años han permitido mejorar nuestro conocimiento de las dinámicas sociales y políticas que experimentaron los estados europeos, así como los cambios en las formas de acción de los gobiernos a la hora de afrontar nuevos y cada vez más complejos desafíos de todo tipo. Los trabajos que se recogen en este volumen profundizan en esas líneas de investigación al tiempo que revisan algunos de los planteamientos anteriores y proponen nuevas hipótesis sobre el sistema fiscal de la monarquía y las economías urbanas, a la vez que prestan atención a las tensiones que se generaron en los ámbitos urbanos, su expresión política en Cortes y Parlamentos, las transformaciones en las expresiones festivas, los símbolos y otras formas de representación de la ciudad. Abstract Studies about the city, political representation, taxation and the government of the monarchy have reached a central importance in the renewal of modernist historiography. The advances experienced in these lines of research in the last forty years have allowed us to improve our knowledge of the social and political dynamics experienced by European states, as well as the changes in the forms of action of governments when facing new and each increasingly complex challenges of all kinds. The works that are collected in this volume delve into these lines while reviewing some of the previous approaches and proposing new hypotheses about the fiscal system of the monarchy and urban economies, also paying attention to the tensions that are generated in urban areas, their political expression in courts and parliaments, the transformations in festive expressions, symbols and other forms of representation of the city.
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Uncertain Justice
Uncertain Justice
The crime genre entered Italy in the late nineteenth century, and if initially Italian authors followed models developed abroad—principally in the United States, England and France—a uniquely Italian brand began to emerge soon. Il giallo, as the crime genre has been known in Italy since the 1930s, proved to be the ideal instrument to confront pressing and often uncomfortable issues which were pertinent to the Italian context: it became a useful tool to restore, symbolically at least, the truth and justice that were, and still are, perceived by a large part of the Italian reading public to be systematically denied in reality. In today’s Italy, the crime genre, and particularly its noir sub-genre, narrates so that readers might remember, so that they might take heed and action, turning cognition into an act of resistance against oblivion and of rebellion against injustice. Uncertain Justice explores three broad areas that contemporary Italian noir literature appears particularly keen to debate, retrieving them from the silence to which they might otherwise be consigned: unresolved historical and political legacies, the repercussions of which still inform and affect life and practices in the present times; the problematic institution of the family, considered as the bedrock of Italian culture and the founding principle of Italian society, with specific attendant questions of gender politics; and the justice system seen through some of its operators, nominally in charge of putting the wrongs right and frequently accused of preventing this from happening. These explorations are conducted through an analysis of texts published in the last twenty years, which represent an effort to expose and counter injustice through the power of the word. Crime literature authors often revisit recent Italian history in their novels, and genre fiction plays a prominent role in acts of resistance against cover-ups or revisionist views of history. The volume starts with an analysis of this role, through novels that look back at the years of the fascist regime and, more recently, at the period from the anni di piombo onwards. It then considers the contribution made to the giallo and noir genre by women writers, looking at the effects that female practitioners in Italy have had on the ethics and aesthetics of a genre that, in other cultures, has traditionally been firmly conservative. A further section examines novels set in a familial context and looks at a range of family dynamics, expressed in the relationships between mothers and sons, mothers and daughters, large extended families or small nuclear ones. If some of the texts expose the devastating effects of the violence perpetrated “in the name of love,” others more positively offer hope, demonstrating how more desirable options do exist and can be pursued. Finally the volume looks at justice as a system and at its practitioners, as, in an interesting development peculiar to Italy, a significant number of judges, lawyers and senior police officers have recently become involved in crime fiction writing. The concluding chapter investigates the contribution that these “specialists,” who have extensive theoretical and technical knowledge in a field which crime fiction routinely frequents, can make to the genre; it also analyses whether these authors, who bring together the moral function of unveiling the truth (prerogative of the investigator) and the social function of rectifying a wrong (prerogative of the upholders of the law), may have a role in forming a more ethically and socially aware Italian citizen.
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Photography and Invisible Borders
Photography and Invisible Borders
Think of national borders beyond just lines: this invitation guides Nicoletta Grillo’s journey into the Swiss-Italian border, a journey shaped through the lens of photography theory and practice. Moving between contemporary cross-border work and south-north migrations, this study unveils today’s borderscapes as dynamic constellations of spatial practices and imaginations. The book delves into landscape representations by combining the analysis of contemporary photographic artwork with field research and with the author’s own photographs, displayed in an extensive photo-textual travelogue. Perspectives from critical border studies, research in the arts, and urban studies come together to offer a larger reflection on the re-imagination of borderscapes.
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La misura del piano Vol.2
La misura del piano Vol.2
In Italia è possibile una “misura” del Piano Urbanistico? È possibile proporre un metodo per realizzare una valutazione seguendo una procedura rigorosa che permetta di affrontare, in termini disciplinari corretti, una comparazione tra elementi di qualità presenti in strumenti pianificatori maturati in differenti contesti geografici, politici, sociali ed economici? Per rispondere a tale quesito sono stati selezionati venticinque piani urbanistici di recente costruzione per città di grande complessità (Roma e Milano), di rilevante dimensione (Bologna, Firenze), di media grandezza (Agrigento, Ancona, Bergamo, Ferrara, Ivrea, La Spezia, Novara, Ravenna, Siena, Verona), di piccola dimensione (Argenta, Buccinasco, Cassino, Jesi, San Miniato, Sesto Fiorentino, Todi), fino ad ambiti di aggregazione di diversi Comuni (Cento-Alto Ferrarese, Capannoli-Palaia, Reno-Galliera, Lugo-Bassa Romagna). È stato assunto il difficile compito di definire una metodologia originale per comparare, con un unico framework, elementi di qualità dei piani (sintetizzati in schede di piano, schemi di piano, manifesti comunicativi di sintesi, quadri di confronto e valutazione), mettendo a disposizione una chiave di lettura del panorama variegato dei diversi approcci in Italia alla pianificazione urbanistica e un ventaglio di tipologie di attenzione alla qualità “del piano”, “nel piano”, “con il piano”, “oltre il piano”. Si è cosí giunti ad una guida di qualità per affrontare le incertezze del nuovo piano urbanistico, uno spettro di operazioni possibili, di scenari e metodologie alternative, messe a disposizione di una platea di professionisti incaricati di piani urbanistici, di ricercatori, amministratori, studiosi dell'urbanistica e di quanti intendono avviare una revisione della disciplina urbanistica, introducendo strumenti di misura della qualità dei piani, e quindi di critica, anche severa, di piani urbanistici “burocratici” o non adeguati. Una guida come codice collettivo di buone pratiche, per “traghettare” il piano da modelli ideali di città a processi operativi: un ventaglio di suggerimenti grafici e normativi, riproponibili in altri contesti nazionali e internazionali, per perseguire un buon livello di qualità formale e sociale, e ritrovare l'originale “funzione sociale dell'Urbanistica”.
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Il “riqualificar facendo” e le aree dismesse
Il “riqualificar facendo” e le aree dismesse
Tra il 1999 e il 2000, nell'ambito di un programma di collaborazione fra il Politecnico di Milano e la Regional Plan Association (RPA) di New York, è stata portata avanti una sperimentazione progettuale che si è concretizzata nel workshop internazionale Transforming the places of production. Il tema della ridefinizione dei luoghi della produzione è stato affrontato da un team internazionale ed interdisciplinare al fine di elaborare progetti di massima per la riqualificazione di due aree singolari, Long Island City a New York e Porta Genova a Milano, e di offrire una riflessione critica comparata su tematiche e metodologie al centro dello scambio culturale. Delle aree dismesse e delle problematiche legate alla loro riqualificazione si parla ormai da alcuni decenni: il loro recupero comporta azioni sempre più complesse e il controllo di una vasta gamma di problemi (di ordine patrimoniale, procedurale, ambientale, funzionale, urbanistico, architettonico e non solo). La poca flessibilità dei piani generali, i troppi vincoli posti al progetto, i problemi di opportunità sociale ed economica, si traducono spesso in una eccessiva predominanza degli aspetti normativi e procedurali facendo passare in secondo piano le opportunità di rilettura della dinamica del sistema urbano nel suo complesso, la ricollocazione di nuove funzioni e servizi, la riqualificazione formale e sociale dello spazio collettivo. Le esperienze degli ultimi anni hanno invece mostrato con evidenza come il tema della definizione progettuale e della qualità delle scelte sia uno dei passaggi fondamentali per il successo e l'efficacia delle operazioni di recupero. Il libro prende le mosse da un excursus storico sul rapporto caratterizzante tra “dismissione” e “riconversione” come dato strutturante nell'evoluzione urbana; ripropone l'esperienza del workshop evidenziandone gli aspetti di attualità e di innovazione nella capacità di utilizzare lo strumento della progettazione partecipata nei processi di ridefinizione dell'assetto urbano. Il workshop, per il suo stesso carattere interattivo e composito, ha permesso di proporre un approccio di natura sistemica alla riqualificazione, in grado di considerare contestualmente fattori di grande, media e piccola scala nel contesto urbano con una attenzione continua alle relazioni tra il tutto e le sue parti. In quest'ottica si delineano, in conclusione, i caratteri generali per un approccio integrato alla riqualificazione in grado di interrelate le domande locali alle strategie urbane e ai processi di piano.
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