Key Questions in Congenital Cardiac Surgery
Following on from the success of the international bestseller Key Questions in Cardiac Surgery, the long awaited Key Questions in Congenital Cardiac Surgery is the latest book in the Key Questions series to be released. Key Questions in Congenital Cardiac Surgerysystematically covers all the main topics involved in the current practice of a congenital cardiac surgeon, incorporating current guidelines for practice (such as from the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, British Paediatric Cardiac Association and European Society of Cardiology) and up-to-date information based on current literature. Each chapter is structured to include the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, indications for surgery, peri-operative management, surgical options and postoperative care. Possible complications are discussed and the results of current practice presented. Importantly, a section on basic sciences related to the practising congenital cardiac surgeon and a further section on congenital cardiac investigations with many images illustrating the variety of pathologies are included. Each chapter also contains important references for further reading and greater depth of knowledge. The data and body of knowledge presented in this book is strictly evidence-based and is relevant to all congenital cardiac surgical trainees, at any stage of their training programme. It provides residents, fellows and specialist registrars the necessary information to carry out their daily duties. Congenital cardiologists and pediatric cardiac intensive care unit specialists also find the book useful in terms of the indications and surgical management of these patients, as they are integral to the congenital cardiac surgical process. Another important group is the nursing staff, physiotherapists and other professions allied to medicine working with patients with congenital cardiac disease either pre-operatively or postoperatively, as the book helps to give a detailed understanding of the principles surrounding congenital cardiac surgical disease. Most importantly, the book is ideal as a revision aid for residents/registrars undertaking their Cardiothoracic Surgery Board examinations around the world. Although these examinations vary in format in different countries, this book is applicable to all cardiothoracic surgical trainees. Its concise, yet complete coverage of the important topics, make it the ideal guide to answer the key questions in congenital cardiac surgery that are asked within the confines of an examination.