Pirkle Hall
COMMENTS FROM READERS...I must say that I found this manuscript compelling and couldnt put it down. Wynnes style and wit reminds me of Carl Hiaasen. My native Southern friends delight in the telling and retelling of such stories as proof that their region has a special quality that has continued to make it the origin of great American literature. Only the South, they like to boast, could produce Faulkner, Flannery OConner, et al. Wynne, as a native son, apparently has a wealth of experience to draw upon and he has done well. Robert J. Fischer, The Potlatch InstituteEach section of this work is a delightful gem. Together the book sparkles and delights the reader with its snapshots of the small town of Metterville, with the almost unbelievably realistic dialogue, with the many quirky turns of events, with the stitching together of a humorous, yet poignant, story. Wynne generates sympathy for not only the main characters, but lifts many of the peripheral characters into their momentary spotlight. He leaves us wanting to knowwhat happened to them? Roberta Dixon GatesThis novel will hold your attention from start to finish, and you will meet some unique characters along the way. From heartbreak to high humor, there is never a dull moment as you travel with this unusual group of people from a small town in Georgia. Nick Wynne has done an excellent job of writing Pirkle Hall, and he is to be congratulated. Patrick D. Smith, A Land Remembered