The Frame
Peter English, at six foot two, chiseled features, clear blue eyes, and tipping the scales at 185, could be the poster boy for a police recruiting campaign. He was a former MP with a law degree who liked being a cop. It suited his personality and skills very well. His wife, Amy, had even adjusted to being a cop's wife. Then it all fell apart. After a long illness, Amy died, and Peter was wrongly accused of a crime he did not commit. He lost his job and the world he loved had come to an unhappy and premature end. He had to come to terms with Amy's death, get his head back on straight and find out who framed him. It would take all the skill, training and experience of his time on the force to accomplish the latter. After all, he was still a detective, a damn good detective, with or without a badge. This is a story of betrayal, injustice, and crime that one man decided to do something about. He's not concerned about following the rules, how many people he brings down, or the number of bodies he leaves behind to accomplish this. His goal is to expose the corruption, clear his name, bring to justice or eliminate those responsible, and see that this cannot and will not happen to anyone else. He's too angry to fail!