CBT Values and Ethics
This is an exciting and long-sought proposal for a textbook on the values and ethics of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. CBT has been criticised as less 'ethical' by humanistic therapists due to its reputation as a formulaic, solution-focused approach. However, it is grounded in research evidence and trainees are encouraged to consider the values and ethics of the approach as an integral part of their training. Before now, they've had no textbook to support this, having to draw from general counselling ethics books or CBT journal articles. The success of Tim Bond's Standards & Ethics for Counselling in Action is an indicator of the sales potential this topic has within the therapy market, and reviews show that there's a real call for this book from CBT lecturers. The feedback on the first proposal is extremely encouraging, with several reviewers confirming that they'd adopt the book on their courses right away if they could! I'm therefore raising the estimate from the usual modular 750, despite this being a fairly specific topic - it's nonetheless a topic core to CBT training. The authors' accessible style is praised by reviewers whilst the book is grounded in research evidence and directly linked to the standards set by relevant professional organizations in counselling, nursing, clinical psychology and psychiatry relating to CBT. It draws on both counselling and clinical ethics, so will be relevant across a wide mental health care readership. The book will discuss methods of ethical analysis and reflective questions to enable readers to think for themselves about problematic ethical issues, and will include numerous case studies to show ethical dilemmas in practice. The authors are incorporating minor changes suggested by reviewers, as detailed in the attached email. David is an experienced lead author, actively teaching, training and working in the CBT field. Nick brings in clinical psychology expertise, as well as direct experience of teaching as Past Deputy Director of the suite of CBT courses run at Southampton. I'm thrilled to be signing up these two new authors for SAGE.