Negotiate Smart
Have you ever marched boldly onto a used-car lot with your eye on a sleek '95 Integra, only to sputter away with an empty wallet and a dented '82 Chevette? Or maybe you were so eager to accept a job offer that you immediately agreed to a smaller salary than you had hoped for? Perhaps negotiating just makes you squeamish. Well, it's time to face the fact that bargaining is a fundamental part of life. As long as people want more for less, the art of negotiating is something everyone should learn. Negotiate Smart will teach you the useful techniques you need to gain the advantage in life's negotiations. Find out how experts prepare and execute negotiation strategies. You'll learn: -- How to plan a negotiating strategy -- When to play hardball -- When to make concessions -- When to play dumb -- When to let silence speak volumes -- How to gracefully walk away from a deal that simply doesn't work. Whether you're negotiating your benefits package or how much to pay for a house, Negotiate Smart will help you reach solutions agreeable to both sides. And after you've practiced these techniques, you'll be able to deflect them when someone uses them on you! Negotiate Smart is full of fun true stories, bargaining blunders and trivia. Read it before you make your next deal.