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Trusting Enemies
Trusting Enemies
An ambitious new book by one of the world's leading International relations scholars, in which he develops a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to trust and applies this framework to the issue of building trust at the international level.
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Saving Strangers
Saving Strangers
The extent to which humanitarian intervention has become a legitimate practice in post-cold war international society is the subject of this book. It maps the changing legitimacy of humanitarian intervention by comparing the international response to cases of humanitarian intervention in thecold war and post-cold war periods. Crucially, the book examines how far international society has recognised humanitarian intervention as a legitimate exception to the rules of sovereignty and non-intervention and non-use of force. While there are studies of each case of intervention - in EastPakistan, Cambodia, Uganda, Iraq, Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo - there is no single work that examines them comprehensively in a comparative framework. Each chapter tells a story of intervention that weaves together a study of motives, justifications and outcomes. The legitimacy ofhumanitarian intervention is contested by the 'pluralist' and 'solidarist' wings of the English school, and the book charts the stamp of these conceptions on state practice. Solidarism lacks a full-blown theory of humanitarian intervention and the book supplies one. A key focus is to examine how ishumanitarian intervention legitimate in present diplomatic dialogues. In exploring how far there has been a change of norm in the society of states in the 1990s, the book defends the broad based constructivist claim that state actions will be constrained if they cannot be legitimated, and that newnorms enable new practices but do not determine these. The book concludes by considering how far contemporary practices of humanitarian intervention support a new solidarism, and how far this resolves the traditional conflict between order and justice in international society.
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Special Responsibilities
Special Responsibilities
The language of special responsibilities is ubiquitous in world politics, with policymakers and commentators alike speaking and acting as though particular states have, or ought to have, unique obligations in managing global problems. Surprisingly, scholars are yet to provide any in-depth analysis of this fascinating aspect of world politics. This path-breaking study examines the nature of special responsibilities, the complex politics that surround them and how they condition international social power. The argument is illustrated with detailed case-studies of nuclear proliferation, climate change and global finance. All three problems have been addressed by an allocation of special responsibilities, but while this has structured politics in these areas, it has also been the subject of ongoing contestation. With a focus on the United States, this book argues that power must be understood as a social phenomenon and that American power varies significantly across security, economic and environmental domains.
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Clinical Pain Management Second Edition: Practice and Procedures
Clinical Pain Management Second Edition: Practice and Procedures
Largely reorganised and much expanded in this second edition, Practice and Procedures brings together in a single volume general methods of pain assessment and presents the wide range of therapies that can be provided by a range of health care disciplines. Authored by a multidisciplinary team of experts, chapters can stand alone for readers looking for a general overview of the methods of techniques for pain management available to them or work to complement chapters in the preceeding three volumes, providing practical procedures and applications in the management of acute, chronic and cancer pain. The book is divided into three parts. Part One covers the principles of measurement and diagnosis, including history taking and examination, the selection of pain measures, diagnostic tests and novel imaging techniques. Part Two discusses the full range of therapeutic protocols available, from pharmacological therapies, through psychological techniques, physical therapy and international procedures, to techniques specific to pain assessment and management in paediatric patients. Part Three provides information on planning, conducting, analysing and publishing clinical trials, with invaluable guidance on the techniques of systematic review and meta-analysis in pain research. Part Four considers the role of multidisciplinary pain management teams, their organization, their place within different health care systems, and how best to manage change when implementing such a service. Part Five concludes the volume, investigating the use of guidelines, standards and quality improvement initiatives in the management of post-operative pain, and discussing the expert medicolegal report.
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Forensic Archaeology
Forensic Archaeology
Forensic archaeology is mostly defined as the use ofarchaeological methods and principles within a legal context.However, such a definition only covers one aspect of forensicarchaeology and misses the full potential this discipline has tooffer. This volume is unique in that it contains 57 chapters fromexperienced forensic archaeological practitioners working indifferent countries, intergovernmental organisations orNGO’s. It shows that the practice of forensic archaeologyvaries worldwide as a result of diverse historical, educational,legal and judicial backgrounds. The chapters in this volume will bean invaluable reference to (forensic) archaeologists, forensicanthropologists, humanitarian and human rights workers, forensicscientists, police officers, professionals working in criminaljustice systems and all other individuals who are interested in thepotential forensic archaeology has to offer at scenes of crime orplaces of incident. This volume promotes the development offorensic archaeology worldwide. In addition, it proposes aninterpretative framework that is grounded in archaeological theoryand methodology, integrating affiliated behavioural and forensicsciences.
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Just War and International Order
Just War and International Order
Argues the just war tradition, rather than being a restraint on war, has expanded its scope, and criticises this trend.
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MATLAB for Neuroscientists
MATLAB for Neuroscientists
MATLAB for Neuroscientists serves as the only complete study manual and teaching resource for MATLAB, the globally accepted standard for scientific computing, in the neurosciences and psychology. This unique introduction can be used to learn the entire empirical and experimental process (including stimulus generation, experimental control, data collection, data analysis, modeling, and more), and the 2nd Edition continues to ensure that a wide variety of computational problems can be addressed in a single programming environment. This updated edition features additional material on the creation of visual stimuli, advanced psychophysics, analysis of LFP data, choice probabilities, synchrony, and advanced spectral analysis. Users at a variety of levels—advanced undergraduates, beginning graduate students, and researchers looking to modernize their skills—will learn to design and implement their own analytical tools, and gain the fluency required to meet the computational needs of neuroscience practitioners. - The first complete volume on MATLAB focusing on neuroscience and psychology applications - Problem-based approach with many examples from neuroscience and cognitive psychology using real data - Illustrated in full color throughout - Careful tutorial approach, by authors who are award-winning educators with strong teaching experience
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The Pathophysiology of the Microcirculation
The Pathophysiology of the Microcirculation
This book is devoted to the pathophysiology of the microcirculation, an intensely studied area of the circulatory system. Featuring contributions from 29 top investigators in the field, the book begins with an introduction to the general structure of the normal microvascular system, with special emphasis on the characteristics of blood vessel segments collectively comprising the system. Significant areas covered in the book include angiogenesis, neoplasias, hypertension, shock, ischemia/reperfusion, diabetes, immunologic injury, and thermal injury. It also covers the effects of aging and environmental factors on the microcirculation-topics not often examined in depth. More than 80 figures and tables illustrate key concepts throughout the book.
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Water Science and Technology
Water Science and Technology
Water has become one of the most important issues of our time intertwined with global warming and population expansion. The management of water supplies and the conservation of water resources remains one of the most challenging yet exciting issues of our time. Water and wastewater treatment technologies are constantly evolving creating an increasingly sustainable industry that is one of the world's largest and most interdisciplinary sectors, employing chemists, microbiologists, botanists, zoologists as well as engineers, computer specialists and a range of different management professionals. This accessible student textbook introduces the reader to the key concepts of water science and technology by explaining the fundamentals of hydrobiology, aquatic ecosystems, water treatment and supply, wastewater treatment and integrated catchment management. This fourth edition is extensively changed throughout, with new coverage of the effects of climate change, environmental assessment, sustainability and the threat to biodiversity. The text serves as a primer for both undergraduate and graduate students in either science or engineering who have an interested in freshwater biology/hydrobiology or environmental engineering. It is also useful as a unified transitional course for those who want to span the traditional areas of engineering, biology, chemistry, microbiology or business. Professionals and consultants will also find the book a useful reference.
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