The Weeping Grove
With their newfound possession in hand, Sylvie and Jack uncover the truth behind the First Zenith's hidden past, but every answer only shapes more questions. Their journey leads them to the heart of the Weeping Grove, where they might fill the gaps of their knowledge and find safe passage to their next destination. Unbeknownst to them, the west stirs with whispers of violence and blood. All Institutes have their skeletons, but there are some that have the power to shatter entire nations. Neither are willing to let that happen. They seek to handle matters quietly, only to discover that the tumultuous relationship between the western practitioners and their degrading Potentate Union has finally peaked. An internal struggle blossoms before their eyes, where they must fight to survive… or die in the attempt. Amidst it all, old comrades gather, new enemies appear, and an ardent purist plots to restore the world to its former order. Sylvie and Jack learn how the consequences of one man’s life can echo long after his death, marking new beginnings as a reminder that history can only be scripted by those left standing.