Toxicity of Atmospheric Aerosols: Methodologies & Assays
Atmospheric aerosols, or particulate matter (PM), are liquid or solid particles suspended in the air. Exposure to ambient PM is associated with multiple diseases and accounts for millions of premature deaths today. Although recognized as an important public health problem, PM’s toxicity and toxicological mechanisms are yet to be understood. Various methodologies and assays (i.e., procedures to determine the composition, quantity, or quality of a substance or a mixture) have been developed or employed to understand the components and characteristics of PM that best determine its toxicity. Efforts have also been spent to study the mechanisms of cellular signaling, stress, response, and physiological change, as well as complex multi-tissue effects upon PM exposure. These assays are diverse, spanning from in vitro acellular assays (i.e., chemical assays) to in vitro cellular and in vivo assays. Given that various methodologies and assays have been developed or employed, this digital primer aims to introduce the methodologies and fundamental principles used to study atmospheric aerosols’ toxicity and emerging new techniques. A comprehensive literature review of the scientific findings using these methodologies and assays is not the focus of this primer. The target audiences are senior undergraduates or beginning graduate students unfamiliar with aerosol science and toxicity measurements. An introductory overview of atmospheric aerosols and the motivations to study their toxicity before a detailed discussion of methodologies and assays in the toxicity research of atmospheric aerosols is provided. Beyond this, Toxicity of Atmospheric Aerosols: Methodologies & Assays serves as an assembly of the various methodologies and assays used in the toxicity research of atmospheric aerosols, saving readers time compared to searching from scattered resources.