Hope & Hopelessness
It is a hidden feeling, generally experienced by the recipient of whoever undergoes it, that when asking a question and not receiving an answer, one begins to worry...to fear. That is what Mr. Jason Whitfield is feeling when he has asked Georgiana to be his wife and waits eagerly for her response. Yet that is not the only anxiety that rules over the circles of the Bennets, Darcys, Fitzwilliams, de Bourghs…and even the Lucases. For there is trouble at Hunsford Parsonage, and a great tragedy strikes over the Collins household. Thus, Charlotte and Elizabeth, who have had a strained relationship after Charlotte married parson Mr. Collins, now soon find themselves bound to each other. Elizabeth must come to the aid of her friend, yet it is not so simple, for a secret becomes revealed. Charlotte has a ghost from her past that has returned to her present and has shown her the errors of her history, that leaves her altogether unsettled. Therefore, it makes her question all that she had done and if she could undo the mistakes from her past and start anew. Follow the next part of the journey of the beloved characters of Pride and Prejudice, as they embark on Book Six of this varied tale.