Banks Violette
Banks Violette, whose interests both in minimalist form and in the transmissions of sub-cultural communities have determined the course of his artistic practice since 2000, has been increasingly drawn to collaboration as the conceptual support for his installations. These collaborations have, more often than not, paired Violette with Stephen O'Malley, the musician most frequently associated with the drone metal band Sunn O))). O'Malley, for example, has now worked closely with Violette on three major projects with this new exhibition functioning as a continued bridge with these previous installations. A battery of materials, and their deployment in stage-like and other performative and theatrical platforms, has also kept the practice grounded within a rich matrix of art historical, philosophical and socio-economic associations. As likely to use steel and salt as fabric and light, Violette shifts a viewer's perspective by always implying more than what is on view. There is always a ghostly other that sits besides the installations and which frequently exists long-afterwards in the memories of spectators. This publication includes a 12" vinyl record of exclusive music by Stephen O'Malley and Attila Csihar. English text.