“MOM...Come down here...FAST!” With those five words, everything in Nelly Branson’s life changed. Not only did they mark the beginning of her 57-year-old husband’s health crisis with brain cancer, they began her journey as his caregiver. With brutal honesty, author Nelly Branson tells the true story of how she managed to live through the diagnosis of Michael’s terminal brain tumor, his treatment and failing health, and ultimately, his death and her grief. But within this tragic story are also moments of grace and light as Nelly and her daughter find strength in Michael’s humor and love, the support of others, and amazingly, a connection with Michael past the grave. Told through Nelly’s eyes with excerpts from readings with a medium, readers have the opportunity to share how one woman reached out to her husband after his death and found validation that his soul continues to share in her life experiences, loving and protecting her. Whether or not you are a skeptic or believe in mediums, Michael is an inspirational story about a family’s love, the strength of the human spirit, and what may possibly come next.