Your Body, Your Health
Foreword by Jane FondaThe first step towards living a long and enjoyable life is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The next step is learning how to be a partner with your doctor. This book is a tool to help you take that second crucial step! - Jane FondaI found this book to be an exceptionally clear and helpful guide for consumers and practitioners alike. The future of medical care will be based on the informed user of health care; this book will help point the way. No patient or future patient should be without this book! -Scott P. Smith, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P., Vice President and National Medical Director of First Health, and National Medical Director of CCN Managed CareA useful, practical, easy-to-read guide, packed with basic tips and common sense advice that can help you and your family understand how to stay well and deal with sickness and the medical system. A solid section on how to evaluate health sites on the Internet rounds out this handy book. -Peter Frishauf, founder of Medscape, from WebMDNeil is a great asset wherever he steps in. Our project is very lucky to have him as a friend. - Patch AdamsAre you medically literate? Do you have any idea what your doctor looks for during a routine examination, or what questions you should ask during an office visit? If you're like most people, the answer is no. Most of us simply put our trust in this most revered of authority figures and assume he or she must know all the answers. But since in the end, it's your body and your health, you should be the one taking charge. In fact, you can help your doctor give you the best care possible by taking a proactive attitude in partnership with your doctor.In this user-friendly and highly informative book, Drs. Shulman and Sobczyk provide vital guidelines to help you keep tabs on your health, find and evaluate the medical information you need, and ask your doctor relevant, meaningful questions. You'll learn:?how a doctor makes a diagnosis of your medical status'what tools the physician uses to evaluate your health (medical history, the physical examination, and medical testing)?how to prepare for a doctor's visit and how to make the most of the average two minutes of face-to-face contact'what questions to ask and how to prepare a concise summary of relevant symptoms'the importance of making sure the doctor is aware of your genetic background, prior illnesses, and current medications and supplements'what diseases are likely at each stage of life'how to avoid illness by using preventive healthcare measures and services'how to understand medical test results and when to request tests'where to find quality health information on the InternetIn an age of HMOs and managed health care, now more than ever consumers need to be their own advocates in providing for their medical needs. Complete with an extensive glossary of medical terms, tests, and procedures, this marvelous resource will empower average persons to work in partnership with their doctors to manage their own health care.Neil Shulman, M.D., is associate professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine and Chairman of the Board of The Gesundheit Institute, founded by the real Dr. Patch Adams, on whose life the popular movie starring Robin Williams was based. Dr. Shulman has published 17 books and has written, produced, and/or acted in videos and movies, including the major motion picture Doc Hollywood, starring Michael J. Fox, which is based on Dr. Shulman's novel.Rowena Sobczyk, M.D., has practiced medicine for over 25 years and is currently affiliated with Georgia Institute of Technology's Student Health Services. She has also served on the medical advisory board for The Self-Care Advisor (Time-Life Books) and has published research articles on women's health issues.