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The Beaches
The Beaches
"The Beaches" is an history and a tour of the 37 mile-long island in Florida which includes Mayport, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra, the Guana Preserve and Vilano Beach. With fifty four tour stops and hundreds of photos and maps, the 400 plus year history of this as-yet-unnamed island is told in a thorough and easy-to-read format.
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Fiction as Fact
Fiction as Fact
This volume documents Robert Taft's first term in the United States Senate and marks his entrance onto the national political and policymaking stage.
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A Valuable Rival
A Valuable Rival
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Doing Business with the Nazis
Doing Business with the Nazis
Britain's financial and economic relations with Nazi Germany are assessed in this book. The structure and formulation of British policy, the interaction of government and business and the relationship between British business interests and Nazi germany are looked at. A particular focus of the book is on the crisis of uncertainty felt in Britain over the rejection of economic internationalism. Sterlings devaluation and the imposition of tariffs opened up a breach with Europe which exerted a severely destabilising influence. In the face of economic nationalism at home and agroad, leading figures in British commercial and political life struggled to prevent a complete breakdown of relations with Germany - the most important trading partner in Europe.
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The Gow Collection of Scottish Dance Music
The Gow Collection of Scottish Dance Music
An essential addition to the dance tune library and an important milestone in traditional music publishing. This volume of almost 600 strathspeys, jigs and reels has been compiled from the original collections published between 1784 and 1822 by Niel and Nathaniel Gow, the father and son violinist/composers. Niel Gow revolutionized Scottish music by inventing a new style of bowing, known as the ‘up-driven’ technique, that accented the unique strathspey rhythm. Besides the invaluable contributions of the Gows, other important Scottish composers such as William Marshall and Donald Dow are featured, as well as some of the more important tunes in the traditional Scottish repertoire. This unique collection also features detailed notes on the life and times of Niel and Nathaniel Gow, an analysis of the ‘up-driven’ bow technique, the origination of the strathspey as well as a complete discography and bibliography. This book will prove an invaluable addition to your repertoire and home library.
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Education and Technology
Education and Technology
What does the future hold for digital technology and education? What can be learnt from the history of technology use in education? Does digital technology make education more individualized? Will it eventually replace the school, university and teacher? In a thoroughly revised edition of this successful book, Neil Selwyn takes a critical look at some of the major current debates and controversies concerning digital technologies and education. Focusing on the social as well as the technical aspects of these issues, Selwyn addresses fundamental but often unvoiced questions about education and technology. Over the course of eight chapters, the book gives careful thought to the people, practices, processes and structures behind the rapidly increasing use of technologies in education, with an emphasis on the implications of digital technologies for individuals and institutions. Brand new chapters on trends in AI and 'big data' driven automation of education, and the future(s) of education and technology are included. This edition also features new sections exploring 'post-digital' perspectives, personalized learning, digital labour, and the impending need for sustainable forms of digital education. The book focuses attention on the connections between recent technology developments and broader changes in education practice, education policy and education theory over the past few decades. It also challenges us to reflect on future directions and controversies for education in the (post)digital age. Expanded study questions, annotated further reading and a new glossary of key terms are included to support readers. An updated companion website links to bonus chapters and audio recordings for further discussion.
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The New Road
The New Road
DigiCat Publishing presents to you this special edition of "The New Road" by Neil Munro. DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Every DigiCat book has been carefully reproduced for republishing in a new modern format. The books are available in print, as well as ebooks. DigiCat hopes you will treat this work with the acknowledgment and passion it deserves as a classic of world literature.
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Technology Strategy
Technology Strategy
This dynamic and beautifully written textbook takes a modern and innovative approach to strategy by placing technology at its heart, bridging the gap between general strategy texts and specialist technology and innovation literature. It addresses the challenges and opportunities presented to organisations by disruptive technological change and takes into account the navigation of uncertain business environments. In addition to examining more established concepts and theories, the text also explores new disruptive business models and non-traditional approaches to strategy development such as effectuation, the Business Model Canvas and prediction logic. This comprehensive and critical approach is supported by a rich assortment of practical examples and cases drawn from different sectors and a range of exciting companies from all over the world, helping students and practitioners to apply theory to practice. This will be an essential core text for modules on technology strategy and innovation at upper undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA levels, and invaluable reading for senior executives and aspiring managers who seek to understand how to implement strategy in a volatile disruptive environment.
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