Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter, 8th Edition continues to focus on the intimate relationship that exists between structure at the atomic/molecular level and the observable macroscopic properties of matter. Key revisions in this edition focus on three areas: The deliberate inclusion of more updated, real-world examples that relate common, real-world student experiences to the science of chemistry. Simultaneously, examples and questions have been updated to align them with career concepts relevant to the environmental, engineering, biological, pharmaceutical and medical sciences. Providing students with transferable skills, with a focus on integrating metacognition and three-dimensional learning into the text. When students know what they know, they are better able to learn and incorporate the material. Providing a total solution through New WileyPLUS by fully integrating the enhanced etext with online assessment, answer-specific responses, and additional practice resources. The 8th edition continues to emphasize the importance of applying concepts to problem-solving to achieve high-level learning and increase retention of chemistry knowledge. Problems are arranged in an intuitive, confidence-building order.