Methodology Of Social Research
How does' society' work, exactly? Exactly what are the elements that result in "society?" But how can we find solutions to the most critical problems facing humanity today if we don't know the answers to these vital questions? This book will examine the methods and strategies used by social scientists in their pursuit of answers to perplexing society concerns. This book provides an overview of the various settings in which social research is conducted and its methods are put to use, including the theories employed by social scientists to make sense of the social world and its effects on the natural world, as well as the pre-existing knowledge drawn upon by researchers. Literature review, ideas, questions, proposals, sources, etc., as well as the assumptions, forecasts, ethics, values, are all the elements and methods of social research. This book offers an introduction to the scientific research as it applies to the social sciences, business, education, public health, and allied fields. The contents of this book are the result of much research, experimentation, and observation. Students, young researchers, and professors who offer courses on research methodologies are the primary audience for this book; nevertheless, older researchers may also benefit from its compact size and useful information.