The Secret of the Universe
"Over 50 years ago, Nathan R. Wood wrote a very interesting book. He called it "The Secret of the Universe." In this book, he shows the unifying principle of the universe to be the Trinity. The trinities of space, time, matter and us are clearly explained. Then he puts it all together in a most surprising fashion. This is a real 'eye opener' for The Romans 1:20, 21 scripture. It would be worth your while to get a copy of this book and study it." -Howard Eugene Wright, "Deceitful Masters" - Why is the universe what it is? - Is it really a universe? - What is its structure? -The basic things-Space-Matter-Time-"Is there a universal principle?" -The Equation of the Universe-How far does the structure of the universe extend? -How the being of God was presented to us -How does man , God and matter effect our perception of the truth? The Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit reflected and expressed in the trinities of space, matter, and time is the secret of the universe. It is the key to the many riddles of the universe. It shows why things are as they are, and that they did not happen so. It shows why space is what it is, of three dimensions. It shows why matter is what it is, of energy, motion and phenomena, with all their relationships. It shows why time is as it is, composed of future, present and past. It shows why man is made as he is. It may show the great principle of unity in all things. It should illuminate the relationship of space, matter, and time. It may well cast light on the mysterious principles of existence, of change, and of reality, in the universe. The being of God, as the central fact of the universe, may explain these universal things. It may make them clear, not as we ourselves paradoxically try to make mysteries clear, by involved effort, and intricacies of thought, and abstruse analysis, but by the broad, self-evident fact of the Trinity. "The Secrets of the Universe" is both a work of extraordinary genius and a revelatory New Thought Classic.