The Eyes of an Autistic Yogi
The Eyes of an Autistic Yogi details one man’s understanding of spirituality and life. Even so, spirituality is only one of a plethora of aspects of author Nathan Fox’s life. Aside from his spiritual quest as a Yogi, Nathan is a musician, writer, and husband. He also has Asperger’s Syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism. Nathan first realized that his perception was skewed as a child, and he remained aware and even overwhelmed as he continued to develop. It was not until a moment of spiritual awakening on the side of the highway in Indianapolis, Indiana, that he finally transcended the limitations of his diagnosis; for the first time in his life, he saw the world for its beauty and simplicity. Sometime later, as the vision faded, Nathan knew he needed the experience again. He also knew he must share his insight with the world. Nathan reminds us of our own individuality. For now, we live in a strange world with even stranger people. We call this earth, and it is our home. Remembering our home, we do not seem that strange after all.