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Wonder Catching
Wonder Catching
Nathan wrote a book called Wisdom Chasers when he was nineteen. Now twenty nine, Nathan has collected his thoughts, prayers, poems, and essays he has collected over the last decade and complied them into a book that invites the reader to wander and wonder with Nathan through the things that connect us all-- love, life, and faith.
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Good Man
Good Man
One look at our cultural moment and it's easy to tell that men and their identities are in crisis. Though lost and fractured, men face the pressure to be perfect. Our reactionary society is quick to condemn and slow to forgive, leaving men more confused than ever about how to live and who to be. Yet in Scripture, we continually find God choosing to work in and through flawed, imperfect, and broken individuals. Men who had massive character flaws and significant moral failings, but who also shared one important characteristic: the desire to follow the call of their Creator. With engaging personal stories and insight into biblical truths, Nathan Clarkson declares to today's man that he is more than what the culture is telling him he is--angry, selfish, predatory, violent, and bored. Instead, still on the journey himself, Nathan calls today's man to find his identity in the One who created him on purpose, for a purpose, and encourages him to live an honest, authentic life marked by a winsome combination of confidence and humility.
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Uniquely You
Uniquely You
You are the unique child of God called to raise unique children of God. We are wonderfully different. That’s God’s beautiful, creative, astonishing design and plan. But how do we faithfully see and parent children who are His unique creations? You observe it every day in the way your kids think, talk, play, create, relate, read, write, dream, decide, and do life. We celebrate their unique attributes, but we also recognize that every beautiful child comes with particular challenges. We need creative parenting that’s able to provide specialized love and guidance. Uniquely You, by best-selling authors Sally Clarkson and her son, Nathan Clarkson, is filled with biblical and life-learned wisdom for helping kids become and enjoy being the person God has designed them to be. Parents discover the unique personalities, learning, and love languages of their children. The Clarksons help you imagine discipline and dreams that fit your unique kids. Our kids have a designed place in God’s story. Uniquely You is the guidebook for partnering with Him in the journey of discovering their unique roles. Your kids will say with confidence and joy, “I am the only me!”
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Wisdom Chasers
Wisdom Chasers
Thoughts and essays on life, love, and God. Written by a nineteen-year-old Nathan Clarkson as he ventured into the world in search the story God had for him to tell.
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Finding God in Hollywood
Finding God in Hollywood
Finding God in Hollywood is the story of a millennial who moved to Hollywood with Jesus in his heart and stars in his eyes. Nathan's words are filled with honest thoughts, deep insights, and beautifully-told stories about being on set, hanging out with movie stars, tasting fame, falling in love, doubting, desiring, and discovering God in the most unexpected place - Hollywood. Finding God in Hollywood is the story of a millennial who moved to Hollywood with Jesus in his heart and stars in his eyes. Nathan's words are filled with honest thoughts, deep insights, and beautifully-told stories about auditioning, being on set, hanging out with movie stars, tasting fame, falling in love, doubting, desiring, and discovering God in the most unexpected place - Hollywood. From a young age, Nathan discovered a deep love for stories and the God who created them. He was captured by both the parables of Jesus and the movies on his television screen. But it seemed that both the religious and secular world believed that God had nothing to do with Hollywood. Nathan found out that they were both wrong. After over a decade of working as an actor, and a lifetime of being a believer, Nathan shares his stories and reflections on what the Divine has to do with films, movie stars, and stories.
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Only You Can Be You Educator's Guide
Only You Can Be You Educator's Guide
Only You Can Be You Educator’s Guide is a companion to Only You Can Be You by Nathan and Sally Clarkson. This guide can be utilized in the classroom, in a home school setting, or by parents seeking additional resources. Ideal for 1st graders.
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From his early childhood, Nathan was bursting with creativity and uncontainable energy, struggling not only with learning issues but also with anxiety and OCD. He saw the world through his own unique lens--one that often caused him to be labeled as bad, troubled, or someone in need of fixing.
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The Clubhouse
The Clubhouse
This celebration of the power of imagination will remind children young and old of the unlimited possibility and potential of creative play. When you were young, what did you dream of doing? Riding high atop a dragon? Hurtling through space on a rocket ship? Unearthing an island treasure? Sailing on a shimmering sea? Sibling storytellers Nathan and Joy Clarkson (children of bestselling author and educator Sally Clarkson) invite you and your kids to hang out with them in the clubhouse, a place of boundless creativity where the only limit is your own imagination. Follow along with a fictional boy and girl who turn their play structure into an airplane, a submarine, a cave, a castle, and so much more! This timeless tale dedicated to the simple, oft-forgotten pleasures of imaginative play will awake wonder in your children and inspire them to dream up their own big adventures!
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Acting from the Intellect
Acting from the Intellect
Acting is a worthy art form that revolves around thesbians taking on complex characters in compelling stories to bring to life a narative that has the power to touch our hearts and souls. But when it comes to learning the craft of acting, so often the most popular methods taught to actors throughout the years have proven to be innafective, inconsistent, or sometimes even dangerous. The methods given might work in a classroom, but on an actual set or stage they prove unhelpful as they revolve almost entirley around creating an emotional response that is often impossible to either achieve or replicate under the demanding circumstances a professional actor will find themsleves in. In Acting From The Intellect, author and award winning actor Nathan Clarkson, details his own method that he's fomulated and employed throughout his career. It's a method that doesn't root from fickle and uncontrable emotions but rather the reliable base of the mind. Nathan guides actors through elements of psychology, philosophy, and socilogy, to mentally build a more full and useful understanding of the characters we will be called to play, which ultiamtely will lead to more honest and connective perfomrances.
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