Creatividad y aprendizaje
To educate in an integral manner implies not just attending to the logical and rational aspects of the mind, but also to intuition and creativity, to fantasy and irrational aspects. Basing on the more recent contributions on creativity, the authors of this book propose activities that develop intuition, imagination and fantasy; they defend creative use of language through metaphors and symbols; they teach how it is possible to develop the capacity "to think with images" among the pupils and to promote in them a playful attitude that, while at the same time extending the limits of freedom in the classroom, allows them to enjoy learning using all the senses. With this type of activities, students of all ages, can discover concepts and acquire abilities journeying through a process planned previously by the teacher, that moves from the emotive to the rational, from the world of the symbol to the referential, from fantasy to reality and from feelings to knowledge.