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Ruth - Living in God's Unfailing Faithfulness
Ruth - Living in God's Unfailing Faithfulness
This in-depth Bible Study offers a verse by verse study of Ruth that allows flexibility for a variety of schedules. The discussion questions help participants share their faith and make real-life applications. The answer helps at the back of the book guide readers to new insights. The book also includes 5 one-hour Bible study lessons for groups with a set schedule. Links to short video introductions will help prepare and focus your thoughts as you study Ruth. You can see yourself in Ruth, whether you relate to her tainted background, the loss of a loved one, or the feeling that you don't belong. If you have ached for fullness or love, if you have wept or suffered anxiety in waiting, if you have struggled to love someone who is bitter or angry, then you can relate to Ruth. Single? Married? Widowed? She is all those things.But here's where you will certainly relate to Ruth-you need a Savior. This beautiful story of redemption is about grace. The grace Ruth received is the same grace we have through faith in Christ-it is the grace we are called to share with others.
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In God's Orchard
In God's Orchard
In God's Orchard is an in-depth women's Bible study on the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. Many different places in the Bible refer to God as a gardener. As God's child, you are planted in his orchard—no matter where you are. Watered with God's Word, you produce fruit in your life—the fruit of the Spirit: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23). This book is a labor of love by six passionate, Bible-loving women. They dive deeply into God's Word and invite you to learn with them about each of these fruits of the Spirit—what the Bible says about them, the impact sin has on them, how Jesus demonstrated them perfectly, and how God's gospel message fosters their growth in your life. Each of the nine Christ-centered Bible lessons features practical applications and discussion questions with room for you to write down your thoughts. You can work through these fruits of the Spirit privately or in a Bible study group with other Christian women. Sink your roots deep into God's Word and yield a fruitful harvest in your life through this women's Bible study!
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Magic in the Roman World
Magic in the Roman World
Using in-depth examples of 'magical' practice such as exorcisms, love rites, alchemy and the transformation of humans into divine beings, this lively volume demonstrates that the word 'magic' was used widely in late antique texts as part of polemics against enemies and sometimes merely as a term for other people's rituals. Naomi Janowitz shows that 'magical' activities were integral to late antique religious practice, and that they must be understood from the perspective of those who employed them.
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Was That Really Me?
Was That Really Me?
An updated edition of the classic title, Beside Ourselves In Was That Really Me?, Naomi Quenk has provided the next giant step in applying Jung's model of development in healthy personalities. That step is to understand, accept, and learn to handle our hidden personality responsibly. Updating the classic Beside Ourselves, Quenk has given us a way to understand this part of ourselves as well as a practical guide for turning what appears to be negative into a positive awareness that enhances our growth and effectiveness. People typically find this to be a surprisingly freeing experience.
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5-Minute Bible Studies for Women
5-Minute Bible Studies for Women
Looking to get into God's Word but don't know where to start? 5-Minute Bible Studies: For Women makes the Bible accessible with brief but intentional moments to study Scripture--specifically, Christ-centered encouragement from the gospel of Luke. Written by women for women with any amount of Bible knowledge, these short devotions based on passages from Luke are rich with applications for daily life. Take five minutes each day to learn more about Jesus, his life, and his teachings--and what they all mean for you. Meditate on the reflection or application questions and follow the prayer prompts to let Scripture linger in your heart and mind throughout your day. Whether by yourself or with other Christian women, reading this book will be the best five minutes of truth you'll hear all day. It will also equip you to share these gospel truths with others!
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Die Feuerreiter Seiner Majestät 04
Die Feuerreiter Seiner Majestät 04
Kaum haben Will Laurence und sein Drache Temeraire ihr Abenteuer im Ottomanischen Reich heil überstanden, da droht bereits das nächste Unheil: In Britannien ist eine verheerende Seuche ausgebrochen, und die Drachen der Feuerreiter siechen hilflos dahin. Niemand weiß, wie lange diese katastrophale Schwäche noch vor dem kriegslüsternen französischen Kaiser Napoleon geheim gehalten werden kann. Und so müssen Will Laurence und Temeraire sofort wieder aufbrechen – dieses Mal nach Afrika, wo es das einzige Heilmittel gegen die Seuche geben soll. Doch auf dem schwarzen Kontinent lauern vielfältige Gefahren ...
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Er vergaß den Freund, doch niemals ihre Freundschaft. Nach einem Schiffsunglück hat Kapitän Will Laurence alles verloren. Doch sein größter Verlust ist ihm nicht einmal bewusst. Denn durch den Unfall hat er keine Erinnerung mehr an seine Zeit als Feuerreiter oder an seinen Drachen Temeraire. Allein muss er sich den Intrigen und Machtkämpfen der mächtigen Familien Japans stellen. Währenddessen reist Temeraire ohne seinen Kapitän nach Moskau, um die Stadt gegen das größte Heer, das die Welt je gesehen hat, zu verteidigen. Im Schatten des Kremls werden sich der Kapitän und sein Drache wiedersehen – und es wird sich herausstellen, ob es tiefere Bande gibt als bloße Erinnerungen ...
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