Program Development in the 21st Century
This is is a core text for courses across mental health service disciplines, including counselling, social work, psychology, public health, and nursing. It was developed by the author for her course in counseling services and administration as a response to her frustration for a comprehensive book that takes students through all the necessary components involved in developing a mental health community program (such as reducing teen pregnancy, increasing access for minorities, health promotion and prevention). This book is unique in its coverage of all the main areas required to plan and implement a community program, but it goes a step further by including important information on sustaining the program, budgeting, funding, community resource development, and fully implementing the program. In addition, the author has developed a number of tools that aid the student in developing a community program (usually a required class project) including exercises to help with needs assessment and planning, as well as exercises and quizzes, which will be included in a cd with the book. The book presents the author's 13-step model that guides a student through the entire process of planning and developing a mental health community program.