Beautiful Life Beyond Exams
Some teachers go beyond their job descriptions. I remember when I first entered my school called Saraswathi Vidyalaya at Nagpur the first teacher was Mrs. Saraswathi Kuppuswami, who met my father for few seconds and took charge of me, maybe my life, held my hand and took me into her class. I looked back with teary eyes and as my father turned his back, may be he was uneasy in seeing me crying, I looked at my teacher's eyes. Her eyes had that assurance I needed her eyes had the love and the care I needed most. Since then I've never looked back. On that day, unknowingly, I learnt my first lesson-stand like a rock with love and care when somebody needs you the most. Dear teachers, let me confess here that I may not remember all the theories you taught me, despite the fact that I spent days studying them. But I remember the little stories that made the entire class laugh, I remember those silly biology projects in which the live frogs ran away from the laboratory, and I distinctly remember that remark, "ask questions, it is okay to ask silly questions and make silly mistakes." This book is a compilation of stories revolving around teachers and students who look beyond pressure of exams and grades.