Did God hide an "Encrypted" prophetic last day's timeline in the Psalms to be revealed at the very end? If so, the discovery of this timeline would be the discovery of the ages! Encrypted takes you on a journey through the Bible and the Psalms to explore the answer to this question and many more. According to the "Encrypted" timeline in the Psalms, 2024 will be the year of the infamous Gog Magog Invasion into Israel, detailed in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and the closing of the "Rapture Season," which we are now in. The year 2025 will be the beginning of the 7-year tribulation period and will see the rise and revelation of the Antichrist. The Jews will return to Israel in 2026 en masse in time for the completion of their new Temple in 2027. In 2028, the year of Israel's 80th birthday, the Antichrist will declare that he is God in the new Temple, and the Remnant of Israel will flee to the "Refuge" prepared for them by the true God who will shelter them for three and a half years until Jesus' return at Armageddon. Skeptical? Once you see the "Encrypted" timeline in the Psalms, you will know that time is extremely short, and there remains a multitude around us who are not yet saved and who will be trapped here to suffer through the worst time in history. Now is the time to fulfill the Great Commission! Furthermore, Daniel 12 tells us that the "sealed-up," or "encrypted," mysteries of Bible prophecy will only be understood by the "wise" in the final generation. We are that final generation spoken of by Daniel. Will we be wise enough to realize that God wants His Church to know about and understand the timing of the days we are living in? Or will we continue to rely on the outdated understandings of generations past? As end-time Bible prophecy becomes more tangible in our day, God has revealed this "Encrypted" sequence of years leading up to and through the fast-approaching tribulation period so that we can prepare and help prepare others for a great final harvest before time runs out. We are now living in Bible times. What will be written about you?